
Meet Madame X

Facing Madame X:  How to Vanquish Negativity, Activate your Feminine Power, and Become Unstoppable

We all have an inner saboteur that has suppressed, disconnected, or overpowered our potential. For those who identify as female, I like to call this force Madame X. Through case studies of my clients and my own personal journey, I’ll help you to finally hear and trust your inner voice and connect to the archetypical spirit that is your birthright—the divine feminine—a powerful, creatively benevolent force that will help you reach your full, uniquely beautiful potential and create the life that you may have always felt just beyond your grasp.

Facing Madame X is based on the teachings of my mentor…who happens to be the legendary therapist, Phil Stutz – a New York Times bestselling co-author of The Tools and subject of the Jonah Hill directed, hit Netflix documentary, Stutz.

Shut up and Dance

The Joy of Letting Go of the Lead - On the Dance Floor and Off (guess who that title was inspired by).

A self-help book and memoir that talks about a time in my life when I was afraid to give up…of a lot of things. But then I discovered tango and something magical happened in those dance halls. I began to understand that letting someone else take the lead from time to time wasn't giving up, but rather, "letting go."