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Performance Coaching

How do you elegantly express yourself…

...when your heart is racing and your hands are shaking?

...when you’re so crippled by anxiety you can’t remember what comes next?

How do you “set the stage” to develop the mental strength that allows you to be your best self?

I use The Tools® - and a lifetime of experience as a performer and teacher – in the arena of public speaking.

My clients range from actors and storytellers ONSTAGE… lawyers delivering final remarks before juries.

It’s amazing (and essential) what a few weeks can do to transform an awkward, scattered presentation into something focused, compelling and charismatic.

As Wayne Dyer said, “Don’t die with your music still in you.”

Let me help you sing your solo.



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Identify what’s holding you back and learn practical techniques to help you reach your highest potential.

Meet Jamie

I’ve helped my clients do everything from tell tales at The Moth, to deliver closing remarks in the courtroom.


Learn about upcoming live webinars and workshops with Jamie and Phil Stutz.