The Coach is Jamie Rose. The Coachee is defined on the proposal/ invoice and email communication.
Any “Discovery call” is offered to potential Thrive package 1-to-1 Coachees, it lasts for 30 minutes. It is a call between the Coach and a potential Coachee (defined on email contact). This is provided free of charge. No coaching will occur in the call but it is a chance for the parties to get to know each other, and for the potential coachee to briefly express their story, concerns and hopes for coaching. The Coach will use this time to discuss the process of Coaching, their skill set and packages available. This is an opportunity to see if both parties feel they have a connection conducive to a success coaching relationship. The Coach will send a follow up email within the week following, this is without pressure to continue. The potential Coachee can contact the Coach prior to this if they want to proceed or not. Informal feedback is invited from the potential Coachee.
The Coach does not offer a Discovery call for the Group Programme or Power Session but is available on email to answer questions regards the programmes.
The sessions are held within the protection of confidentiality as standard in Healthcare (GMC guidance). Disclosure only occurs without permission if the Coach believes the Coachee or someone else is at grave risk. Otherwise there is no sharing of information. Within the Group programme Coachees will also respect the need for confidentiality.
The length of the coaching engagement- package agreed in emails and noted on the proposal/invoice.
The frequency and number of sessions to be conducted are agreed based on the package chosen- agreed in emails. The Coachee will be sent a link by the Coach to book their first session (once payment received) and the Coachee will book in the follow up sessions via Calendly once payment received/or payment plan in place.
To secure booking payment is in advance (either in full or with a payment plan). Sessions will not occur if payment has not been received.
If a payment plan option is selected then this must be paid in full as per the agreement, this is not a subscription. If the payment plan is chosen then the monthly fee must still be paid in advance of the sessions occurring- dates will be agreed with Coach and communicated via email to the coachee.
The Coach does understand that occasionally life happens so offers a full guarantee that the Coachee can cancel at any time with a full refund for any future sessions already paid for - no personal questions asked but the Coach does ask for open communication via email for the agreement to end and will cancel any future payments and process refunds from their end in a timely manner (aim for 2 weeks turn around).
The duties and responsibilities of both parties: The Coach will provide a safe and nurturing coaching space for the Coachee to explore their concerns and be heard. There will be no judgement or expectations from the Coach. The Coach will use the experience and expertise to guide the conversation. The Coachee will show up ready to work with the coach, be honest about their story and open to the process. They are willing to do the “work” in between sessions required to allow the coaching to be successful. The Coach is aware that life happens and this can impact on the work in between sessions and asks for open communication regards this.
The “work” necessary for the Coachee to do is: in giving their full engagement to the process and participating with an open heart and mind. There may be points where active decisions or discussions etc need to be made by the Coachee, the Coach will support them but not do this work for them. The Coach will not direct the Coachee to a course of action but will support the Coachee in making the right decision for themselves. Sometimes this is a hard decision. The Coach appreciates this and will be there to support and guide. The Coachee’s full participation in the process is what allows the process to be successful and to get the most out of it. Sometimes “homework” may be suggested by the Coach, this is always by invitation and not compulsory but is encouraged as will help move the Coachee along their along. If the Coachee is finding the homework hard this can be discussed via email or in the session (or weekly check in as option added on). The Coach always recommends having time to allow space for self care and support after any homework is done.
Both parties will treat each other with respect. Any aggressive behaviour towards the Coach (or fellow Coachees in the Group programme, or indeed breach of confidentiality within the Group by Coachees) will not be tolerated and may result in the immediate cessation of the sessions without refund.
Success for each Coachee is unique. It can be marked by progress in terms of milestones and desired outcomes being met as discussed within the coaching sessions (verbal contract). The Coachee is aware on entering this agreement with the Coach that some of the desired results occur after the sessions have ended due to the timescale of some goals set and the ongoing nature of self development. The Coach will offer accountability if requested whilst the Coaching relationship continues, but this is only gentle and without judgement.
Work to be performed by the Coach (if any) that extends beyond direct coaching will be done in agreement and if it goes beyond the package agreed there may be an additional charge.
Record keeping associated with the engagement—minimal information is stored, it does include the Coachee’s first name, job and key relationship names. Information is stored on google drive, which is password protected, and kept for 6 months after ad hoc and short package sessions and 12 months for longer package sessions. Thereafter all information is deleted.
The format of the coaching sessions is via video-conferencing. If face to face is requested this can be arranged at an extra cost to the Coachee.
The style of coaching: Integrative transformational life coaching. Coach adapts sessions to the needs of the Coachee and their unique situation. Coach does not offering Counselling; however the process of Coaching can be very therapeutic. There may be times when it is appropriate for the Coach to offer her opinion, akin to mentoring, this will only be offered after you give consent and is only to add the Coachee in making their own decision and is not to influence the decision.
Cancelling an appointment- The Coach understands that there may be occasions that the Coachee has to cancel a session. The Coach does ask for 48 hours notice, otherwise the fee for that session will not be transferable. If more than 48hours notice is given then the session fee is transferable and the session can be rebooked.
If the the Coach is not able to attend a session, she will rebook the session for the next best available slot for us both. If for some reason the Coach could not reschedule then you would get a refund (I think this is a very unlikely situation but I like to be transparent).
Informal feedback is invited throughout the process of coaching and at the end of the package of sessions you will invited to provide formal feedback and, if you are comfortable, a testimonial for my website and social media (only first names and your location used on these and a photograph if you feel comfortable).
The Coach will take responsibility for running to time in the sessions. Both parties are to show up on time for the sessions. Any late arrivals from the Coachee will result in a shorter session that day. Both parties will be in touch if delays expected- via email. Both parties will limit distractions during coaching sessions (e.g. no mobile phones unless an emergency expected).
No personal medical advice will be given by the Coach and any questions on this topic will be signposted back to the Coachee’s own doctor.
The Coachee will use any material created by the Coach (marked by branding and video content) for their own personal use and respect that it is the intellectual property of the Coach, and therefore not to be shared without the Coach’s knowledge and permission.
The Coach maintains an appropriate level of Insurance and has regular Supervision sessions with a colleague as per requirements of the Association of Coaching.
The Coach practices under the jurisdiction of the UK, any issues that arise are to be dealt with under UK law.
Public Speaking
Jamie Rose will be the speaker at the agreed event. The company will be defined in the invoice/email agreement. The Speaker and The Company are defined as both parties. The attendees are staff members of the company or affiliated with the company.
Advertising of the event is the responsibility of the company.
The dates and times will be agreed by both parties and stated on the invoice/email to the company.
To secure the booking the invoice will need to be paid in full within 14 calendar days and prior to the event (unless otherwise agreed and documented on email).
The Speaker will work with the Company to tailor the event to the Company's unique needs. The following themes, and variations of, are available:
positive psychology in the everyday
yoga, breathwork, mindfulness practices
in smaller groups the speaker is able to lead some group coaching on wellbeing.
The Company will provide an appropriate space to present with space for all attendees and provide any necessary technology for a visual presentation or video conferencing.
The objectives of the talk will be set by the Speaker and emailed to the Company in advance and agreed upon.
The Speaker’s work as a Life Coach is focussed on women, however the talks are for all, men and women.
If the event is postponed for any reason, eg severe weather, issue with building etc then it can be rescheduled at the next best available time for both parties. No refund is offered.
If the Speaker is unable to attend due to an unexpected event or illness then it can be rescheduled at the next best available time for both parties. If there was no appropriate time to reschedule due to the Speaker’s other commitments then the fee would be refunded.
There is no refund for a cancellation of the event due to the Company having a change of mind/objective.
Both parties will treat each other with respect. Any aggressive behaviour towards the Speaker will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate cessation of the event without refund.
Distractions can impact on the atmosphere of the event, therefore the use of mobile phones is discouraged. The speaker appreciates the attendees may want to make notes and if this is the case and they use their phone can this be made known to the speaker.
Questions are encouraged by the Speaker but may be deferred to another point of the event where questions are invited.
The event will be treated by the Speaker within the protection of confidentiality as standard in Healthcare (GMC guidance). Disclosure only occurs without permission pf the Company or attendees if the Speaker believes the person or persons are at grave risk. Otherwise there is no sharing of private information.
Minimal information is stored by the Speaker regards the event, other than on emails and in the presentation prepared. Any information extra to this will include the Company’s name, contact information but nothing regards other individuals attending that is identifiable. Information is stored on google drive, which is password protected, and kept for 2 years after the event. Thereafter all information is deleted.
The Speaker can provide CPD certificates for all who attend if needed (agreed in advance and with a fee).
The Speaker can provide appropriate worksheets for the attendees to take away (to be agreed in advance and reflected in the fee).
Any recordings or worksheets (content) provided are the intellectual property of the Speaker unless otherwise agreed in advance and reflected in the fee.
The company and attendees are requested to provide formal feedback and if appropriate testimonials (any attendee will be identified by first name only; Company identified by full name). These can be used on the Speaker’s website and social media.
The Speaker is a life coach and also a Doctor. However no personal medical advice will be given to anyone at the event and any requests will be signposted to the person’s own doctor.
The courses have been created by Jamie Rose and the content is copyright and remains the intellectual property of the author.
If you feel the course didn’t deliver what you expected you are entitled to a full refund within a month of purchase.
The courses when purchased come with access to a live Q&A with Jamie Rose. Details of this are communicated via email and will run for at least 3 months after purchase date.
Access to courses is for the original purchaser only and they are guaranteed to be live for at least 6 months from purchase.
Courses may be updated from time to time with the addition or removal of material by the author but the course premise won’t change.